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Community Service

Day of Service

It was an assignment for a Humanities class and also community service we were to get. I did the community service at Foshay Learning Center with three classmates, named Alexander, Freddy, and Derick.

My service project is to clean teacher’s classrooms. During the day of service, the thing that went well was that we clean 6 classrooms when we were schedule to only clean 3 classrooms. The 6 classrooms that we clean were Ms. McFadden, Ms. Fuentes, Mrs. Avila, Mr. Weigel, Ms. Barrios, and Mr.Rohoman. Another thing that went well was that we each brought the supplies that we were to bring. For example: brooms, mops, buckets, fabulosos, gum scrapers, dust pans, and wipes. What I would to do differently next time is to bring an extra bucket if we were to mop since our other bucket broke when Alexander put a broom that come in 2-in-1 with a mop into the bucket and it was long to fix in the bucket.

My participation within my group was good. For example, I was the supplies captain and I make sure my group brings what they had to bring. Also I make a list that tells us what we were scheduled to do. For example: for period 4 we had to clean Ms. McFadden’s classroom, period 5 we had to clean Ms. Fuentes’s classroom , and period 6 and 7 we had to clean Ms. Barrios’s classroom. Also we decided to clean 3 more classrooms that are Mrs. Avila and Mr. Weigel during period 5 and Mr.Rohoman between period 6 and 7.

My group worked pretty well as a whole in terms of team. For example, we clean what we were scheduled to do. Like Alexander was to sweep the floor and then Freddy and I was to mop the floor while Derick was to clean the table and scrape the gum under the table. It is effective because if we work together as a team and do what we were scheduled to do, the cleaning become easier. There weren’t a problem but the bucket that was broken by Alexander. What I do personally to prevent the problems is to bring two bucket in case the first bucket break, the second bucket will be it backup.

What I learn about myself and working in a group is being a hard worker. For example, I mop the 6 classroom with Freddy. Also we decided to clean 3 more classrooms when we were scheduled to clean Ms. Miller-Hampton’s, Ms. Fuentes’s, and Ms. Barrios’s classrooms. The skill that I can apply in the future is to communicate more. It will help me improve the ability to talk more.

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